Archive for greg biffle

monday monday

Posted in Biffle, Mikey with tags , on February 8, 2010 by Lola

Capshun by bscott16

Capshun by 24midnightfire24

2fer Monday cuz we need it to wake up!!

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Posted in Biffle, Busch with tags , , , , on December 29, 2009 by Lola

Capshun by Jesse

Capshun by Kensethfan

Whaddya lose Kurt, your woobie?

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Merry Christmas!

Posted in Biffle, Busch, C-c-c-carl, Clint, Denneh, Happy, JeffBurton, Jeffie, Jimmeh, Juan, Junebug, Kasey, Mark, Matt, Shrub, smoke, Truex, vickers with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 25, 2009 by Lola

Merry Christmas you guys!

I wish all you a  peaceful holiday and a happy, healthy new year!!

Thanks for making lolNASCAR successful for another year. We are now just 51 days away from Daytona (less if you’re thinking Shootout! w00t!!) I’m hoping to improve the site for the 2010 season and it may involve a new address, so I hope you’ll stay tuned and follow me if necessary. Im glad I can make you laff and enjoy (mostly) trading commentz with you.

So, here’s a toast: Raise your glass, flute, mug, shot, bottle, can, hip flask, whatever…Here’s to a great new year where Dale Jr wins every race and a fun fun fun new race season that doesnt involve Jimmeh winning another campionship with lots of silly pics to capshun! 😉

Love, Lola

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i saw what you did there

Posted in Biffle, CatInHat with tags , , , , on November 20, 2009 by Lola

Can one of the Roush boys get the checkers this weekend?

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hey biff

Posted in Biffle, C-c-c-carl with tags , , , , , on October 29, 2009 by Lola

greatpumpkinCapshun by Kensethfan

enjoy the show

Posted in Biffle, C-c-c-carl, Clint, Denneh, Happy, JeffBurton, Jeffie, Jimmeh, Junebug, Matt, Shrub, smoke with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2009 by Lola

lonelyheartsCapshun by Kensethfan

Seems as tho there will be several different guys up there after tonite. Should make for a pretty fun race to watch. But uh, lets be safe out there 😉

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this new hans design

Posted in Biffle with tags , , , on August 31, 2009 by Lola

bifflebraces copy

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…and all racedays are now

Posted in Biffle, Jimmeh with tags , , , , , on August 25, 2009 by Lola


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da biff says

Posted in Biffle, Busch, Jamie Mc with tags , , , , , on August 10, 2009 by Lola

noeasterbunnyCapshun by Jesse

WTF Biff? Why u gotta be like that?

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Let me see your game face!!

Posted in Biffle, Matt with tags , , , , on August 9, 2009 by Lola

roflbot-8ZWACapshun by Steele

LOLz 😆

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